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We Are All in This Together – May 7, 2020

“One lesson… is that sheep fare best together, not picked off one by one.  Another is that there is promise of great pasturage, abundant life for all who follow Jesus’ way. A third is that there is something public, open, honest, and even simple about how we live as God’s

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We Know the Voice of Jesus – May 5, 2020

“Much has been written about how sheep are rather unintelligent animals. It is true that without a shepherd, they will not necessarily be able to find food or water, and that they will easily get lost and not be able to find their way home. However, the thing that Jesus

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We Are Known By Name – May 4, 2020

“In one of those sermons that bring the biblical world “down to earth,” the preacher talked about his life in Africa. He told us how the people of a village knew each other’s sheep the way we might know one another’s children. As he sat in a group in the village,

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A Deeper Well

Social rejection, separation, disconnection. It all feels like a death… a pain that cuts to the marrow. We’re born unto a mother, yet deep belonging does not come with the birth certificate. It is the same for us now as it was for the oldest of our ancestors. A lost

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