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A Goat in Sheep’s Clothing

As the election season drags endlessly onward and the US seems ever more divided into groups that too often don’t even recognize one another as human beings who are deserving of love and compassion, it’s easy to think that I know exactly who is a sheep and who is a

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Jesus Has Other Sheep Besides Us – May 6, 2020

“The metaphor of the gate is not one of exclusion, not a license to think of ourselves as Jesus’ true sheep and others as outsiders. (If we use it that way, we become like the Pharisees who expelled the blind man from their community.) The purpose of the gate is

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Sheep, Metaphors, and Listening for Jesus

I’m a city girl. I prefer sidewalks to hiking trails, front porches to farms and forests, bustling streets full of shops and restaurants to quiet country lanes. My only direct experience of sheep occurred when I visited a ranch with my elementary school Girl Scout troop, and I was assigned

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- Weekly Gospel Reflection

Laying Down Your Life

If there is one thing the Resurrection shows us, it is God’s love. And if there is one thing I am called to as a child of God, it is to lay down my life for love of God and others. It sounds so simple, and we all know how

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