Callings is a quarterly journal that gives news of the activities and growing edges of The Church of the Saviour. Download PDF copies below. Callings is edited by Marjory Bankson, a member of Seekers Church and moderator of the Ecumenical Council. Callings offers a glimpse into some of the life of the churches and ministries. The cost of publishing is offset by donations from readers. You can subscribe to receive hard copy editions of Callings at home. Email Us

2023- Vol. 12

2022- Vol. 11

2021- Vol. 10

2020- Vol. 9

2019- Vol. 8

2018- Vol. 7

2017- Vol. 6

2016- Vol. 5

2015- Vol. 4

2014- Vol. 3

2013- Vol. 2

2012- Vol. 1