


Living out our call to the inward/outward journey in different communities.

Church of the Saviour lives out its call to the inward/outward journey together in different communities. Each has a distinct charism and style, but all share the tradition of deep commitment, listening for God’s leading, and servant ministry in the nation’s capital. 


- Weekly Gospel Reflection

Counting Our Days

Autumn is upon us. Earth’s invitation is to harvest the final fruits of summer’s bounty, give thanks, and then let go into the mystery of

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Little boy in a dinosaur costume
- Weekly Gospel Reflection

Childlike Faith

Last year I was showing my nephew a magic trick. I took a bottle cap and pretended to make it disappear and reappear by “pulling

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- Weekly Gospel Reflection

The Weight

When you have heard someone’s deepest secret, a confession, or a fear, a pregnant moment appears, as fleeting as the flash before the match head

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Deep Roots, Bold Journeys: Stories of Connection, Justice, and Renewal

The Fall 2024 issue of Callings explores the profound connections that have shaped the Church of the Saviour community and continue to inspire us today. In this edition, we delve into the lives of remarkable individuals whose stories reflect the intertwining of personal transformation, prophetic ministry, and a commitment to justice and inclusion.

In an intimate interview, David Hilfiker shares his journey from physician to community elder, highlighting the role of deep listening and the call to prophetic ministry amidst personal challenges. Basil Buchanan recounts his attraction to the Church’s interracial embrace and the critical role of relationships in his spiritual and professional path, spanning from Jamaica to Washington, DC. Adam Greene invites us to explore Indigenous wisdom in the upcoming “Mixing of the Waters” gathering at Wellspring, where ancient traditions meet today’s urgent challenges. Finally, Kate Lasso reflects on the Church’s enduring call to deep connection with God, self, and others, challenging us to discern what it means to live out our faith in these times.


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