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Mirrors of Splendor

When John’s book was written, five generations had passed since the young rabbi taught. What stories would be remembered? His words and movements echoed still, like a bronze bowl singing as the wooden striker makes sweeping arcs around its rim. Jesus is praying to his Love, the Friend who’s heart

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In God’s Care

One of the earliest most indelible images of Jesus from my childhood is the Good Shepherd, the subject of this Sunday’s gospel.* If there is a psalm we know by heart, I can bet it is Psalm 23. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me

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Was Jesus Prejudiced?

Some say Jesus was perfect, all-knowing and all-loving. If so, what are we to make of his snippy retort to the Canaanite woman who wanted healing for her daughter.* “I only came for the lost sheep of Israel,” Jesus said, and, when she persisted, he added, “It’s not fair to

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The Way Forward

Who am I now? Without a job title or paycheck? It’s a question that many retirees wrestle with, and one forced on many younger people by the current pandemic. Tragically, it’s a question that often leads to heart attacks and alcoholism, to mental health distress and despair. The lead article

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