“Waiting is a window opening on many landscapes… It is the experience of recovering balance when catapulted from one’s place. It is the quiet forming of a pattern of recollection in which there is called into focus the fragmentary values from myriad encounters of many kinds in a lifetime of living. It is to watch a gathering darkness until all light is swallowed up completely without the power to interfere or bring a halt. Then to continue one’s journey in the darkness with one’s footsteps guided by the illumination of remembered radiance is to know courage of a peculiar kind—the courage to demand that light continue to be light even in the surrounding darkness. To walk in the light while darkness invades, envelops, and surrounds is to wait on the Lord. This is to know the renewal of strength. This is to walk and faint not.”

–Howard Thurman, The Inward Journey, pg. 81-82

One Response

  1. THE LIGHT shines in the Darkness but the Darkness grasps it not!

    Darkness is always attracted to Light but Light is never attracted to the Darkness.