(Judas speaking)
“The inner healing began in my soul when he touched my anguish with his own godly sorrow. My first step was being able to share my pain with someone I trusted. And that is strange as well! The very one I had betrayed and with whom I had broken trust, was now the one person I trusted! In our own self-inflicted guilt and pain, we trust only another who knows pain. Those who come to us meaning well, but in the superior position of not being guilty themselves, only reinforce the chasm between us. The guilty do not trust the innocent, and the dying do not trust the living. For trust to begin again, it must be a shared trust issuing out of a shared life. Though he came as the resurrected Lord Jesus, he entered into my pain and loneliness by sharing his own. The next step in my healing was to move from trust to belief.”

–Ray Anderson, The Gospel According to Judas, p. 151