The Steps Toward Healing – Apr. 7, 2023

(Judas speaking)“The inner healing began in my soul when he touched my anguish with his own godly sorrow. My first step was being able to share my pain with someone I trusted. And that is strange as well! The very one I had betrayed and with whom I had broken trust, was now the one […]

Open Our Hearts – Mar. 24, 2023

“The promise of Lent is that something will be born of the ruin, something so astoundingly better than the present moment that we cannot imagine it. Lent is seeded with resurrection. The Resurrection promises that a new future will be given to us when we beg to be stripped of the lie of separation, when […]

Eternity Now – May 20, 2022

“Eternity is not an extension of time, but it is pure presence, pure belonging. When you are in the eternal, you are outside of nothing. You are within everything, enjoying the fullest participation There is no more separation. It is what the contemplative medieval scholars called the Beatific Vision….” –John O’Donohue, Walking in Wonder, p. 170

Good Conversation – May 16, 2022

“Good conversation is the enemy of falsity, façade and shallowness. It chases the truth of things, it demolishes the flimsy foundation of façade and it penetrates the depths so as to soar into unfolding possibility. When things stay separate and isolated they stiffen into the act of surviving, whereas when they have a conversation with […]