
Divine Encounter

My memory takes me to a prayer service I attended at Christ House, a medical care and whole being recovery facility for homeless men in Washington, DC. I sat shoulder to shoulder with patients and staff and others gathered to acknowledge our belonging in the hands of a loving God and offer our longing for […]

To Work Without a Why – Aug. 12, 202

As long as we perform our works in order to go to heaven, we are simply on the wrong track.And until we learn to work without a why or wherefore, we have not learned to work or to live or why. –Meister Eckhart (1260-1329)

Faith Without Works – June 8, 2020

[These selections are all from, an Advent-season devotional “written by a collective of pastors and parents, writers and activists, organizers and students, and everyone in between… for radicals and would-be radicals. We are the people who stand in defiance of the status quo.” While it’s technically the wrong season for these, I find them […]