Divine Encounter

My memory takes me to a prayer service I attended at Christ House, a medical care and whole being recovery facility for homeless men in Washington, DC. I sat shoulder to shoulder with patients and staff and others gathered to acknowledge our belonging in the hands of a loving God and offer our longing for healing. Our closing prayer was a simple chant, Grace and peace to you my friend / May the Lord be with you / Grace and peace to you my friend / May the Lord be with you…

We sang the melody over and over again, allowing the blessing to wash over us. Around the room we exchanged spontaneous nods of assurance. We knew without saying – God is here, Christ abides, we are loved, we are forgiven. We were of one heart and mind in one beloved family.

I thought of my experience at Christ House as I read this week’s gospel story of Jesus being questioned about his identity.* Those asking want him to say plainly who he is, yet they stand ready to stone him if he says he is one with God. Jesus replies, “The works that I do in my Father’s name testify to me” – works of goodness and mercy and assurance that God is always with us extending grace and peace.

Out front of Christ House is a life-size beautiful bronze sculpture of Jesus in sweatshirt, pants, and no shoes kneeling with a water basin at his feet and his hands offered to wash feet. He is a servant Messiah, always ready to welcome whoever comes and to attend in a way that will restore body and spirit. As Christians, we are called to prayer and self-emptying relationship and service. May we discover God’s nature in ourselves and each other.

*John 10:22-30

–Trish Stefanik, Overlook Retreat House at Dayspring

For reflection:

  • When have you felt blessed assurance?
  • Where have you seen or heard or had an encounter with ‘the Messiah who washes feet?’
  • How do your actions align with God’s goodness and mercy?
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