
Mysticism Involves Movement – Dec. 1, 2020

“In my experience, mysticism has always involved movement. That’s not like the unique whirling dervishes’ mystical prayers practiced for seven hundred years by the Sufi branch of Islam, although that is a fascinating study. Rather, simply walking, mindful of God’s presence, helps walk me away from inherited forms of spiritual practice.” –Wes Granberg-Michaelson, Without Oars, […]

Shedding the Extras – Nov. 30, 2020

“On the Camino de Santiago, makeshift shrines along the way are littered with things pilgrims have left behind—an extra pair of shoes, a sweater, a razorblade, an inflatable pillow, a book, a pair of pants, a makeup kit. Nearly every pilgrim on the Camino, despite careful packing, discovers that they are carrying too much.” –Wes […]

Stay Awake!

Advent celebrates the journey inward, a yearly pilgrimage into darkness and waiting, away from bright lights and busyness, far from words and work to be done. One year, after the edge of a hurricane scoured the East coast, we took our sleeping bags down to a dock and watched the Leonid meteor shower on a […]

CallingsWithout Oars Book, 35 Years of Christ House, Bread of Life Fund, Jubilee Jobs and COVID-19, CoS Books Special + More

Callings – Winter 2020 The issue of Callings for this Winter is chock full of updates from around the community, starting off with a review of longtime CoS associate Wes Granberg-Michaelson’s new book Without Oars. Callings Editor Marjory Bankson then includes a note from Kayla about “Keeping Watch”, as well as Marjory’s own regular “Editor’s Corner” piece. We celebrate […]