
Could I Let Go of That? – Sept. 1, 2022

That our receivingmay be like breathing:taking in,letting go. That our holdingmay be like loving:taking care,setting free. That our givingmay be like leaving:singing thanks,moving on. –Jan Richardson, In Wisdom’s Path, p. 34

Community – Mar. 4, 2022

“It’s finding a spiritual community that counts, that stretches you, that carries you on when you least feel like going on. If you’re lucky, there is a monastic choir close to you that you can join, or if none is geographically available, gatherings… online offering daily horaria you can connect with there. Then, during those […]

Landscape as Theophany – Feb. 18, 2022

“To experience the landscape as a theophany is to take seriously the way the divine can be revealed through nature and through created things. It means we can join with all of the elements and creatures in singing God’s praise.” –Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul’s Slow Ripening, p. 134

A Certain Day – June 18, 2021

A certain day became a presence to me;there it was, confronting me — a sky, air, light:a being. And before it started to descendfrom the height of noon, it leaned over and struck my shoulder as if withthe flat of a sword, granting mehonor and a task. The day’s blowrang out metallic — or it […]