The Soul’s Name
Names do so much more than identify and differentiate. They provide a canvas on which to paint, exploring the what of each person, place, or thing. Richly expressive within their own borders, yet they have limits. Can a name contain more than the sum of its parts? I know what my legal forms of identification […]
True Holiness – Sep. 10, 2021
“True holiness is completely unselfconscious. It is enough for you to be watchful and awake. For in this state your eyes will see the Savior. Nothing else, but absolutely nothing else. Not security, not love, not belonging, not beauty, not power, not holiness – nothing else will matter anymore.” —The Way to Love: The Last […]
Say Nothing Negative – Aug. 5, 2021
“An added discipline for this week might be to say nothing negative about anyone else or about yourself. This will give you more energy for inner work on the subject [self-observation]. If you find it a difficult discipline to keep, do not be discouraged. A discipline is to help us learn, and there is often […]
Search for God – Aug. 4, 2021
“Though by and large the Church has not known how integral the search for self is to the search for God, her saints have always preached that the two are inextricably bound together. Brother Lawrence is reported to have said, “When we enter upon the spiritual life, we should consider and examine to the bottom […]