
God Comes as Our Life – Dec. 20, 2022

“The genius of the biblical revelation is that we will come to God through “the actual,” the here and now, or quite simply what is. As Paula D’Arcy says, “God comes to us disguised as our life.”” -Richard Rohr, “Negative Capability”, Center for Action and Contemplation – Daily Meditations, Jan. 11, 2016

Landscape as Theophany – Feb. 18, 2022

“To experience the landscape as a theophany is to take seriously the way the divine can be revealed through nature and through created things. It means we can join with all of the elements and creatures in singing God’s praise.” –Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul’s Slow Ripening, p. 134

Giving of Godself – Aug. 18, 2021

“Many will affirm that God called them by name. God’s revelation is multidimensional because it is essentially a personal encounter. That revelation concerns whole persons and whole communities in their particularity. It is the loving and gracious giving of Godself to the world.” -James Evans, Jr., We Have Been Believers, pg. 18

Secretly Revealed – Dec. 29, 2020

“And then, just when everything is bearing down on us to such an extent that we can scarcely withstand it, the Christmas message comes to tell us that all our ideas are wrong, and that what we take to be evil and dark is really good and light because it comes from God. Our eyes […]