
Our Life in God – Nov. 7, 2022

“There is only one life, and that is God’s life… The purpose of our prayer is to help us find God, that we might consciously and gratefully live this life, and through our presence invite others to live it as well.” -James Finley, Merton’s Palace of Nowhere (Ave Maria Press, 1978), p. 25

A Risen Life

In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus is posed a question about resurrection and the afterlife.* As he so often does with his answers, Jesus steers us to a much bigger understanding of God and our lives than we can ever comprehend. God is a Living God transcending all space and time, and we are forever marvelously […]

Plotting Resurrection – Sept. 30, 2022

“E.B. White watched his wife Katharine planning the planting of bulbs in her garden in the last autumn of her life and later wrote about it: “There was something comical yet touching in her bedraggled appearance… The small hunched-over figure, her studied absorption in the implausible notion that there would be yet another spring, oblivious […]

Judgement and Hope – Dec. 7, 2021

“A prophet is someone that tries to articulate the world as though God were really active in the world. And, that means on the one hand, to identify those parts of our world order that are contradictory to God, and on the other hand, it means to talk about the will and purpose that God […]