A Risen Life

In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus is posed a question about resurrection and the afterlife.* As he so often does with his answers, Jesus steers us to a much bigger understanding of God and our lives than we can ever comprehend. God is a Living God transcending all space and time, and we are forever marvelously alive in God beyond limited notions of life and death.

For Jesus, God’s undying abiding loving life is always beckoning us to live in this world as though we really believe that in God we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). Within and alongside all human complexities there is God extending mercy and creative possibility. Our conscious work is to be in loving relationship and cultivate the inner freedom to step into the flow of God’s spirit.

As like the Sadducees in our gospel story, I can get caught up in trying to figure out the inexplicable rather than to simply abide in and open to God’s unfathomable love. That is why I need a daily practice of letting go and simple presence. In the early morning when a new day hovers between what was and will be, I sit listening for eternity stirring in my inmost being. I rise in God’s life not mine, and commit to live this day with courage, humility, and boldness of heart. My purpose in living is not to grasp and gain, but to be attentive and responsive to Love’s promptings.

We are all called to fullness of life as children of God.

*Luke 20:27-38

-Trish Stefanik, Overlook Retreat House at Dayspring

For reflection:

-What is your experience  of a Living God?
-How is the Spirit nudging you in particular to manifest Love?
-What do you need to surrender in prayer to free God’s possibility in you? 

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