
In two recent gatherings on a contemplative way of life, we were asked the question, “What breaks your heart?” For me, what breaks my heart is that anyone does not realize that they are beloved of God. Perhaps that is why I feel such joy at Overlook where we offer hospitable space for people to […]

What it Means to Be Human – Jan. 20, 2023

“I think that if we can truly grasp and believe in how fleeting this life is, how delicate, how subject to powers beyond our control, that we can begin to set our minds to a better way of living within it that isn’t tormenting itself with trying to grasp onto things that cannot be grasped… […]

Going By Another Way

I’ve heard and read the story of the Magi visiting the infant Jesus* so many times that the words slide past me without registering anything other than a slightly bored familiarity. T.S. Eliot’s poem, which once upon a time startled me with its immediacy and particularity of detail, has now become yet another expected, regular […]

The Power of Goodness – Dec. 15, 2022

““The power of the Most High will overshadow you,” the monastic liturgy prays during Advent. But who really believes it? We spend our lives, as nations and as individuals, waiting to be saved by the power of our own achievements or the power of destructive force. And yet, it is the clear, soft, consuming, overshadowing […]