At the Point of Greatest Need and Awareness – Apr. 26, 2023

“Implicit in the struggle which is a part of life is the vitality that life itself supplies. To affirm this with all of one’s passionate endeavor is to draw deeply upon the resource available to anyone who dares to draw upon it. The aliveness of life and the power of God move through the same […]

A Suffering Love

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” This old saying echoed around my childhood and most likely yours. And it’s a bold faced lie. Of the painful words I can still remember, cast in stone ages ago, the scars remain. I read them in my body like braille. In my work […]

Abundant Streams of Living Waters – Mar. 16, 2023

“Don’t you know there is a limitless flow of life – a superabundance of love and caring? You simply cannot exhaust it. It may be tough learning how to touch that current, how to get into that stream, to feel the flow and power of it, to be carried by it, but one thing is […]

Do More, Be More, Have More

Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted there. Right after his glorious confirmation, right after being assured of his place and purpose—“This is my beloved, in whom I am well pleased”—Jesus faces the wilderness. Great assurance, followed by great difficulty. Is it possible we heard wrong our calling? […]