Holding the Hot Potato

When Jesus told parables, he often avoided straightforward hero/villain figures. The prodigal son and his brother, the shrewd manager, the unjust judge — Jesus generally gives us surprisingly complex characters to wrestle with in his short stories. But the unforgiving debtor: obviously a bad guy.* He receives the mercy of the king, and then turns […]
Deep Peace I Breathe Into You – Apr. 17, 2023
Deep peace I breathe into you,O weariness here:O ache here!Deep peace a soft white dove to you:Deep peace a quiet rain to you;Deep peace an ebbing wave to you! –William Sharp, Dominion of Dreams: Under the Dark Star, p. 423 [The reflective quotes this week are from a poem that appears in the 1895 novel Dominion of […]
We Never Let Go – Apr. 14, 2023
We do not really let go of love;We hold on to it.We hold on to what remainsAfter all the dross is put away.And after all the pain hasPurified the heart,We know that we need only partWith things that cannot last.But we hold on to what is pure;We cherish the truth we’ve found.And what is beautiful […]
The Steps Toward Healing – Apr. 7, 2023
(Judas speaking)“The inner healing began in my soul when he touched my anguish with his own godly sorrow. My first step was being able to share my pain with someone I trusted. And that is strange as well! The very one I had betrayed and with whom I had broken trust, was now the one […]