
Beneath the feet of the monks, that which holds them and their houses of prayer, is this land. Mepkin Abbey, a Trappist monastery on the coast of South Carolina, is where we’re on retreat. The land of my childhood. Beneath the years of their prayerful songs, as old as my dad, there is that which will outlast […]


Loss has made me a misfit. Lost in my own life. My older brother died recently. Though I had in many ways been hoping for his release from the sufferings of disease, even expected it for about a week, it came as a shock. And with the shock, came a world of paralyzing sorrow. Strong family roots, shared values […]

Who Are We? – May 9, 2022

“When we look at Jesus, we see human nature as it is intended to be. Fully human, fully divine, Jesus shows us what human nature is, what the Divine nature is. Our goal is to go down, down, and down into our own inner beauty and love, to rest in our own depths. We commit, […]

Landscape as Theophany – Feb. 18, 2022

“To experience the landscape as a theophany is to take seriously the way the divine can be revealed through nature and through created things. It means we can join with all of the elements and creatures in singing God’s praise.” –Christine Valters Paintner, The Soul’s Slow Ripening, p. 134