Good-bye for Now – May 31, 2023

This is the final inspirational quote from We are suspending these because our delivery system has been unable to post these quotes at a regular time. We hope you will enjoy the weekly gospel reflection on Saturday and engage with the reflection questions as our way to let the words of scripture come alive […]

Pentecost Hearing

Our talk began simply: “What’s good about writing an IO reflection? What’s hard for you?” We laughed as common complaints came up about keeping the reflection short enough for reading on a cell-phone, and nodded over differences in how long one needed to dwell with the scripture to let a personal experience emerge. Although we […]

But Now We See

Why do we get caught up in culture wars, arguing about what is sinful and who’s at fault? Worse yet, good church folk are not the only ones arguing about who’s got God on their side. Parties and nations do it too. Religiousity has entered our political realm at full volume. In today’s gospel reading, […]

Questions in the Dark

My Lenten practice this year is to notice what questions arise in the dark, either in my dreams or wakeful times. Sleep seems to filter out the trivia, and I discover what my real questions are. Some arise from worries, of course. Others involve long-forgotten incidents, odd dream encounters, and shards of conversation that I […]