
On the Way: Resurrection

Easter morning at my church we were encouraged to be attentive in the days and weeks ahead to sightings of the Risen Christ and to then share those experiences with each other, much like what happened with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.* In preparation, I have been pondering what I see in […]

Was Jesus Prejudiced?

Some say Jesus was perfect, all-knowing and all-loving. If so, what are we to make of his snippy retort to the Canaanite woman who wanted healing for her daughter.* “I only came for the lost sheep of Israel,” Jesus said, and, when she persisted, he added, “It’s not fair to take the children’s food and […]

Those at the Margins… – Feb. 13, 2020

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the wrongly accused, the ones who never catch a break, the ones for whom life is hard – for they are those with whom Jesus chose to surround himself. Blessed are those without documentation. Blessed are the ones without […]