On the Way: Resurrection

Easter morning at my church we were encouraged to be attentive in the days and weeks ahead to sightings of the Risen Christ and to then share those experiences with each other, much like what happened with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.* In preparation, I have been pondering what I see in the life of Jesus that might help me see Christ in our midst today and to also practice resurrection.

  • Jesus appealed to the best in people. He hung out with people on the margins, ordinary souls who suffered and were often ostracized by society. He told them he loved them, that they belonged in the kingdom of God.
  • Jesus was someone who got frustrated like me yet kept on living God’s presence for all the world to see. He was humble and free in his spirit.
  • He struck a balance between prayerful solitude and prayer in action. He didn’t give up but was always giving over to a Higher Power.
  • Jesus spoke to women and included them in his circle of disciples, knowing, and leadership.
  • He valued rest.
  • He said he came that we may have life and have it abundantly, may my joy be in you that your joy may be complete.
  • Jesus was serious-minded and oh so vulnerably openhearted. He preached a Godship that is loving, inclusive of all, and at hand. He spoke truth to power.
  • He said over and over again, do not be afraid, peace be with you, I am with you always. He gifted us with his spirit.
  • Jesus challenges me in the best sense – so that I can be healed and made whole. He listened and observed, telling wonderful stories using natural imagery and common things to reveal deep wisdom.
  • He lived simply.
  • Jesus did not set out alone; he gathered a community together. He sought nothing for himself but an abiding relationship with God and for others to experience God’s love. He suffered yet his focus remained fixed on God.
  • Jesus did not hesitate to embrace the sinner, the one who betrayed, rejected, or abandoned him. His message of forgiveness was relentless.
  • He walked this beautiful earth and spent time in the wild. He was a baby, a young boy, a man who had a body and feelings. His words and deeds connected humanity to the eternal.
  • He gave thanks.

*Luke 24:13-35

For reflection:

  • On the way, where have you encountered the Risen Christ? What opens in the retelling?

–Trish Stefanik, Overlook Retreat House at Dayspring

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