
Say Nothing Negative – Aug. 5, 2021

“An added discipline for this week might be to say nothing negative about anyone else or about yourself. This will give you more energy for inner work on the subject [self-observation]. If you find it a difficult discipline to keep, do not be discouraged. A discipline is to help us learn, and there is often […]

Flourishing by Learning – Sep. 4, 2020

“Surely God does not exist so that we can think correctly about Him— or Her. Amazingly and wonderfully, like all good parents, God desires instead the flourishing of what God created and what God loves— us ourselves. Ironically, we flourish more by learning from our mistakes and changing than by a straight course that teaches […]

Fall Courses Around CoS

New Community Church – Race, Faith and Justice: History of Civil Rights Movement, $Free “This eight-session class highlights several key campaigns led by Dr. King from the perspective of the faith that was at the heart of his life and of the civil rights movement. We also lift up some other faithful partners in the […]