
Known By What Is Absent

Suffering is not a sign of being punished by God. At the other end of the spectrum, keeping oneself free of all suffering is not a sign of pleasing God. The Galileans who suffered under the cruelty of Pilate, Jesus says, are no worse sinners than the rest of us. Suffering happens. Rain falls on […]

Family Values

So, what does Jesus have to say on the topic of family values? Everyone recognizes this as a loaded question, a political question, the kind that gets asked to trip up a person and obscure real answers. They try to trap him by asking, “Should a man be allowed to divorce his wife?” His response […]

Honor God

Why don’t you follow the usual rituals?* Rituals and traditions are passed along to us, not always with clear understanding of their meanings and purposes, their place in our lives. Mindlessly we keep old ways alive because we feel to do otherwise would not honor tradition. What was good in the past surely is still […]