Honor God

Why don’t you follow the usual rituals?*

Rituals and traditions are passed along to us, not always with clear understanding of their meanings and purposes, their place in our lives. Mindlessly we keep old ways alive because we feel to do otherwise would not honor tradition. What was good in the past surely is still good now. So we keep the old paths alive without question or review.

Would it not make more sense to ask mindfully how well the old patterns and rituals serve us now, what their meaning is for us now? Whether it is immersing ourselves in water or prostrating ourselves to pray; whether it is fasting or feasting, doing acts of penance or fasting from food or words—what are the ways for us to honor God that have meaning now? What will prepare our hearts this day to receive whatever God wants to give us?

The laws of God, Jesus reminds all who have ears to listen, are not only written in stone. They are written on our hearts, on the walls of the sacred space within us. Rituals are outer reminders of an inner life. Only as we venture into the inner sanctuary, this holy of holies, will we begin to experience true communion. Have you painted any new icons recently on the walls of your heart?

*Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

–Kayla McClurg, Passage by Passage (Year B)

What practices and rituals sustain me?
Are there some new ways I might honor God?
How do I “venture within” myself to meet God?

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