
Learning from the Journey – Jan. 11, 2023

“Like the Magi, we too must allow ourselves to learn from the journey of life, marked by the inevitable inconveniences of travel. We cannot let our weariness, our falls and our failings discourage us. Instead, by humbly acknowledging them, we should make them opportunities to progress towards the Lord Jesus. Life is not about showing […]

Bees – Aug. 1, 2022

“Last night, as I was sleeping, I dreamt—marvelous error!—that I had a beehive here inside my heart.…And the golden beeswere making white combsand sweet honey from my old failures.….” —Antonio Machado, excerpt from “Last Night As I Was Sleeping“, from Times Alone, translated by Robert Bly

Say Nothing Negative – Aug. 5, 2021

“An added discipline for this week might be to say nothing negative about anyone else or about yourself. This will give you more energy for inner work on the subject [self-observation]. If you find it a difficult discipline to keep, do not be discouraged. A discipline is to help us learn, and there is often […]