Moving On

A photo of the house Jack and Jackie Kennedy rented when they were newlyweds is for sale in Georgetown. A color photo of it appeared in the paper today with a black and white overlay of the bright young couple at the front door. I found myself remembering that different era of confidence and joyful possibility, before […]

A Risen Life

In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus is posed a question about resurrection and the afterlife.* As he so often does with his answers, Jesus steers us to a much bigger understanding of God and our lives than we can ever comprehend. God is a Living God transcending all space and time, and we are forever marvelously […]

Eternity Now – May 20, 2022

“Eternity is not an extension of time, but it is pure presence, pure belonging. When you are in the eternal, you are outside of nothing. You are within everything, enjoying the fullest participation There is no more separation. It is what the contemplative medieval scholars called the Beatific Vision….” –John O’Donohue, Walking in Wonder, p. 170

Encircled by Eternity – Jan. 4, 2022

Sphere of Being, Dancing Love: Encircled by eternity, lift me up into your love. Flowing through existence is your living and active Word, sustaining and upholding all things, including me. I am part of your fabric of divine intention, a participant of your holy web of emerging life. I consent to the victory of love […]