
Exploring the Dark to Become Light

It takes discipline for me to be visible in community. Valuing privacy, I’ve always liked to hang out in the back — in the shadows, perhaps — observing, taking it all in, revealing little of my interior self. A few years ago, I began a meditation practice where I learn to be present to myself, as […]

What to Remember When Waking – Sept. 8, 2022

“Waking up into even the most ordinary day is a discipline, a test of our ability to hold the interior world, where we have just been re-imagined and revolutionized, with the moving, tidal, seasonal, not to be controlled, physical world we are just about (to) enter.” –David Whyte, Essentials, p. 54

Say Nothing Negative – Aug. 5, 2021

“An added discipline for this week might be to say nothing negative about anyone else or about yourself. This will give you more energy for inner work on the subject [self-observation]. If you find it a difficult discipline to keep, do not be discouraged. A discipline is to help us learn, and there is often […]

Giving Up

It has now been over a year since the whole world, and my life along with it, changed in response to the pandemic. Perhaps the biggest change for me is simply the realization that it is truly impossible to know what the next year—or even the next day or minute—will bring. I still make plans, […]