
Being Saved

As more and more people in the US are vaccinated against the dreaded COVID-19 virus, the instructions keep changing about what we can and cannot do. Who is allowed to hug friends and family and who should wait? How many people can be in a room together? Do they have to wear masks? Who, if […]

Giving Up

It has now been over a year since the whole world, and my life along with it, changed in response to the pandemic. Perhaps the biggest change for me is simply the realization that it is truly impossible to know what the next year—or even the next day or minute—will bring. I still make plans, […]


This is the time of lengthening daylight as our daystar, the Sun, shines more directly on our planet each day. Though ice covers the ground where I live, green shoots are beginning to appear. And yet, another ice storm is coming. How is Earth protecting or preparing for new life? Why is the struggle of […]

CallingsWithout Oars Book, 35 Years of Christ House, Bread of Life Fund, Jubilee Jobs and COVID-19, CoS Books Special + More

Callings – Winter 2020 The issue of Callings for this Winter is chock full of updates from around the community, starting off with a review of longtime CoS associate Wes Granberg-Michaelson’s new book Without Oars. Callings Editor Marjory Bankson then includes a note from Kayla about “Keeping Watch”, as well as Marjory’s own regular “Editor’s Corner” piece. We celebrate […]