
A Call for Me?

My dad was, in his own words, “just a country doctor with a sniff and sneeze practice.” It was his way of downplaying the extraordinary effort that it had taken him to work his way through medical school during the Depression because he wanted to help people. I also knew that he felt called to […]

Call to Commitment now on Kindle!

Elizabeth O’Connor’s classic work Call to Commitment is now on Amazon Kindle, just in time for Christmas! Local friend Daniel Clark helped transfer the work from analog to digital and it is now available for download on all Kindle devices for $5. Thanks Daniel! Link is below. Call to Commitment by Elizabeth O’Connor on Kindle: […]

CallingsWithout Oars Book, 35 Years of Christ House, Bread of Life Fund, Jubilee Jobs and COVID-19, CoS Books Special + More

Callings – Winter 2020 The issue of Callings for this Winter is chock full of updates from around the community, starting off with a review of longtime CoS associate Wes Granberg-Michaelson’s new book Without Oars. Callings Editor Marjory Bankson then includes a note from Kayla about “Keeping Watch”, as well as Marjory’s own regular “Editor’s Corner” piece. We celebrate […]

In a Time of Crisis – Oct. 5, 2020

“We needed to learn to live from a quiet center. We needed to learn the attitude of leisure when there was no leisure. We needed to learn how to let a friend know that we cared when we were pressured by the weight of unfinished work. We needed to learn to give a task wholly […]