On the Way: Resurrection

Easter morning at my church we were encouraged to be attentive in the days and weeks ahead to sightings of the Risen Christ and to then share those experiences with each other, much like what happened with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.* In preparation, I have been pondering what I see in […]

A Suffering Love

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” This old saying echoed around my childhood and most likely yours. And it’s a bold faced lie. Of the painful words I can still remember, cast in stone ages ago, the scars remain. I read them in my body like braille. In my work […]

Dignity – July 4, 2022

“Perhaps the more superior we believe ourselves to be to creation, the less like God we become. But if we embrace shalom—the idea that everything is suspended in a delicate balance between the atoms that make me and the tree and this bird and the sky—if we embrace the beauty of all creatures, we find our […]

Oppositions – May 18, 2022

“An authentic life is a life that is aware of and willing to engage its own oppositions, and honorably inhabits that threshold where the light and darkness, the masculine and feminine and all the beginnings and endings of one’s life engage. Sometimes, people who are very vociferous and moralistic are people who have erased the […]