
“God of Holy Rage,
Too often we fear that to allow for anger is to become less like You. Let us meet the God of the prophets. You, who tells the truth. You, who holds fury at injustice. Help us to remember that You, in embodied anger, flipped the temple tables at the site of injustice and exclusion. In a world where the powerful terrorize the marginalize – exploit people and land – would You help us to become faithful discerners of when to calm and when to rouse? Rejecting that anger which leads to bitterness or hatred of another, yet tapping into a righteous rage when that which you’ve created is under abuse and neglect. The dignity of creation demands our emotions. Make ours a beautiful rage.”

–Cole Arthur Riley, Black Liturgies

Reflections this week come from Cole Arthur Riley, the founder of Black Liturgies, “a project seeking to integrate concepts of dignity, lament, rage, justice, rest, and liberation with the practice of written prayer.”