
I remember when my husband and I had just indulged in giant-scoop ice cream cones of our favorite flavor, jamoca almond fudge. Stumbling on the cobblestone pavement, his cone flipped, and the ice cream fell out. A young child behind us gasped and stepped up, holding out her own cone as solace. Who could have imagined this magnanimous […]

The Burning

I’ve come to start a fire…      —Luke 12:49-56, The Message In the days when a hearth fire kept the family alive, our ancestors learned to bank the fire before they went to sleep, pushing the logs and coals together to preserve the slow burning. It was important to keep it smoldering through the night, ready to […]

How Not to Love Your Enemy – June 29, 2022

“Enemies are potent and formidable. They cause real damage to those who fall into their crosshairs. But in Christianity we do not resolve enmity by destroying our foes or finding middle ground with them. Instead, Jesus ushers in a different system – a new way of living that changes the order of power itself.” –Melissa […]

A Life of Making Enemies – June 27, 2022

““Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth,” Jesus tells a shocked crowd. “I have not come to bring peace but a sword” (Matthew 10:34). The peacemaking Jesus intends for the disciples to invite conflict in every area of our lives. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus models this in a life […]