
“Will matter then be utterly destroyed or not?” The Saviour replied, “Every nature, every modeled form, every creature, exists in and with each other. They will dissolve again into their own proper root. For the nature of matter is dissolved into what belongs to its nature. Anyone with two ears able to hear should listen!”

–King, Mary of Magdala, 2:1-5

One Response

  1. These quotes from the ‘gospel’ of Mary Magdala are kind of interesting, I guess, but mostly serve to remind me why the church has been nearly universal throughout its history in considering it and other similar books as non-canonical — or worse. Over and over again I find myself thinking when I read these posts, and other historical, non-canonical works, that the writing is just not as good as what we find in the Gospels, that the stories seem to be like reading a canonical Gospel “through a glass darkly” sometimes, and other times like Gnostic/Platonic weirdness. Today’s reading is an example, “Huh? What is this even saying?” It’s not a question as to the gender or community of the supposed author, it’s the comparative spiritual value, not to mention the historicity and reliability questions — which are HUGE, despite the note placed at the bottom of the April 3rd post. Which then begs the question for me as to why on earth InwardOutward would choose to use *this* as source material for blog posts for Easter Week, of all times? Yikes!