
“I wish I had my Sunday School kids today, during the devastation of the pandemic and the terrifying images of murder and protest. I would tell that I am lost, too, but from the wise old pinnacle of my years, I would assure them that we can trust God no matter how things look and how long things take. The pain inside us and right in front of us in nothing compared to the power of love that surrounds us.

Also, I would rustle the bag of chips at them, so they will listen awhile. Then I put the chips away and ask each child their name. Names matter! Names are our deepest truth and beauty. Their name is Beloved.

This goes quickly as there are usually only three or four kids, of different colors and ages. My only message most Sundays is that they are loved exactly as they are, whatever they have done, whoever they love. As is!”

–Anne Lamott, May 31, 2020, Facebook post

2 Responses

  1. Did you have a post awhile back about there is sheep and goat in all of us? I’m not sure where I saw it!

    1. Hi Linda, I can’t think of a particular post off the top of my head, but it sounds familiar. In my search of the site I’ve found 18 posts with “sheep” in them, but only one for “goat”, which is within the word “scapegoat.” Perhaps it was one of these you were thinking of?

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