For Sunday, May 26, 2013 – Psalm 8

When the Spirit of truth comes, John says, we will be guided into all the truth (John 16:13). That is a remarkable statement, considering how uncertain most of us are about what is true and what is false. Are we being told the truth? Are we purveyors of truth? The fact is, truth cannot be easily measured. Even lie detectors get it wrong.

Maybe that’s why truth, both small truth and Big, is more apt to be conveyed through children, at least until we adults have taught them to construct “little white lies.” A child in a store says to her mom with sweet sincerity and ease, “Look, mommy, that lady is fat.” Her mom quickly hushes her and says that isn’t nice. I feel for the mother, but even more so for the child, who has just learned there is something wrong with being fat and something wrong with saying what is true.

The Psalmist sings, “Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark…to silence the enemy….” Everyone who has heard a child speak his truth in the middle of worship or during a family argument knows what a powerful witness he can make–the child as bulwark. The Spirit of truth does not demand only the facts, nothing but the facts, and it will not be captive to the letter of the law. The Spirit of truth loves sincerity, simplicity of heart, seeing without pretense or constraint. It is grounded in love and bears an authenticity by which even difficult realities can be faced and new directions can be embraced. It impacts all creation.

A true word, spoken in love, can silence whatever enemy confounds and overwhelms us. It can give us the courage to be in the battle and move forward in peace. My diet changes today.