
As the weather begins to change and leaves spill from the trees, I’ve selected short phrases from This is the Day: Work and Words of Brother Thomas (Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids MI, 2005). Brother Thomas Bezanson was a Benedictine monk and skilled potter at Weston Priory in Vermont from 1959-1984. After that, he worked as the artist-in-residence with the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, Pennsylvania until his death in 2007.

–Marjory Bankson, Editor of

“It takes a good spirit to sympathize with a friend’s failures, but it takes a holy spirit to rejoice in a friend’s success.”

–Brother Thomas, This is the Day

One Response

  1. Marjory, what a great quote!!
    Seems easier as I age: To truly appreciate another’s
    gift, and not get caught in the unfulfilled part of myself.
    Love to you.