“I can imagine Farmer saying he doesn’t care if no one else is willing to follow their example. He’s still going to make these hikes, he’d insist, because if you say that seven hours is too long to walk for two families of patients, you’re saying that their lives matter less than some others’, and the idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that’s wrong with the world.”

–Tracy Kidder, Mountains Beyond Mountains

[Quotes for this week come from Mountains Beyond Mountains: The Quest of Dr. Paul Farmer, A Man Who Would Cure The World by Tracy Kidder. I read this book while I was in Haiti visiting my friend, Kim Montroll, in the summer of 2007. Kidder provides a riveting account of Dr. Paul Farmer’s desire to solve global health problems. His life’s philosophy was “the only real nation is humanity.” It is a book filled with passion for the Haitian people, and an indictment against systems that oppress others. Reading this every night helped ground me while I was there. I, too, developed a deep love and admiration for the Haitian people. I hope you’re inspired to pick this book up. You’ll be better for doing so. –Jim Marsh, Bread of Life Church]