
This week’s quotes come from the book, The Rumi Collection, edited by Kabir Helminski (Shambhala, 2005). Rumi was a Persian mystic poet of Islam, who wrote in the 13th century. His writings have been treasured by many from all spiritual traditions, and transcends language. He’s considered to be a great revealer of Love.

The Intellect Says

The intellect says: “The six directions are limits: there is no way out.”
Love says: “There is a way. I have traveled it thousands of times.”
The intellect saw thousands of markets beyond that market.
Lovers who drink the dregs of the wine reel from bliss to bliss;
The dark-hearted men of reason
Burn inwardly with denial.
The intellect says: “Do not go forward, annihilation contains only thorns.”
Love laughs back: “The thorns are in you.”
Enough words! Silence!
Pull the thorn of existence out of the heart! Fast!
For when you do, you will see thousands of rose gardens in yourself.
