
“We each have a spiritual current that runs through our lives: a river. Connected to that current, our work, our life, has power. I constantly ask myself, “What is my relationship to that current? Am I letting it guide me or am I forcing my will upon my life?” It is so easy to lose touch with that current. When I am connected, my life has a flow. The most amazing things happen. Help comes my way, I meet “fellow-travelers,” people whose energy supports mine, and we both come away reinforced. Doors open. Bills get paid. In a good month, I spend about a third of my time in that state of synchronicity.

When you turn your back on the current of your life, you are on your own. You are coming at life believing that you are strong enough, powerful enough on your own. The other way is to come at life from a place of humility. Being in touch with the spiritual current means first being able to listen to oneself, being in sync with oneself. You need silence to get there. Work of the spirit requires strength of spirit.”

–Roderick MacIver, Heron Dance, Issue 13