
To Be of Use – Aug. 2, 2022

The people I love the bestjump into work head firstwithout dallying in the shallowsand swim off with sure strokes almost out of sight.They seem to become natives of that element,the black sleek heads of sealsbouncing like half-submerged balls. I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart,who pull like water buffalo, with […]

Naked Now – July 8, 2021

“Can you let God “look upon you in your lowliness,” as Mary put it in Luke 1:47, without waiting for some future moment when you believe you are worthy? Remember the words of John of the Cross: “Love what God sees in you.” Many of us never go there, because to be loved in this […]

We Spend Ourselves – Apr. 19, 2019

“Day after day we spend ourselves. Even when we are old and can only smile and breathe, our worth extends into hidden places beyond our knowing. Our worth is not ours. It belongs to Life. We are its treasures.” -Gunilla Norris, Sheltered in the Heart