The Pattern Within

A young missionary in a church out west, I had my first real job, and my first family away from home. At the tail end of my two year stint, deep in the process of ordination, I was seminary bound. A colt kicking in the stalls, ready to run, I was pregnant with grand ideals about how […]

Listen to Yourself – May 26, 2023

“Choose a piece of work to do by listening to yourself—the still, small voice within that speaks to you in images, wishes, dreams and fantasies, your own conversations and the conversations of others. If you make a mistake and choose the wrong task, you will still learn something about yourself and can take courage and […]

A Suffering Love

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” This old saying echoed around my childhood and most likely yours. And it’s a bold faced lie. Of the painful words I can still remember, cast in stone ages ago, the scars remain. I read them in my body like braille. In my work […]

Saboteurs – Jan. 26, 2023

“We need a foil, an enemy, an external embodiment of the part of us that is limiting our growth on the path. With a raging saboteur in our lives, tromping all over our neediest, limiting parts, we can no longer deny our self-limiting tendencies. With an external force causing the pain, we eventually recognize the […]