Listen to Yourself – May 26, 2023

“Choose a piece of work to do by listening to yourself—the still, small voice within that speaks to you in images, wishes, dreams and fantasies, your own conversations and the conversations of others. If you make a mistake and choose the wrong task, you will still learn something about yourself and can take courage and […]

Discernment – May 22, 2023

“We carry the treasure in earthenware vessels. The Word we say we heard is always subject to questioning, always to tested within the fellowship and confirmed or denied by those among us who have the gift of distinguishing true spirits from false. When we become serious about prayer, we learn how important this gift is, […]

Peace Be With You

I can’t help thinking about the last time this passage* came up in the lectionary: April 2020. Five weeks into the pandemic shutdown, our world had been turned upside down. With every passing week, reality seemed to become less and less tethered to… well, reality. Things that had been inconceivable before the pandemic were happening […]

The Only Protection from Betrayal – Apr. 3, 2023

“Created in the divine image and likeness, we can experience and express that divine likeness only through the bond of social and community relatedness. The only protection from betrayal is not to love, never to trust. The only security against becoming a Judas is never to become a disciple.” –Ray Anderson, The Gospel According to Judas (Helmers & Howard, […]