God’s Peace Agenda – Jan. 9, 2023

“The Incarnation positions Jesus among the most vulnerable people, the bereft and threatened of society. The first advent shows God wrestling with the struggles common to many the world over. And from this disadvantaged stance, Jesus lives out God’s peace agenda as a counter-testimony to Caesar’s peace.” –Richard Rohr, “Incarnation at the Edge”, Daily Meditations, […]

The Angel’s Call

I’m writing on the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. A wise time to go within… to listen for the crisp call of angels. As the light fades to gray, a bright red bird perches in a dark, barren tree. Now, all things are more easily seen. The air leans hard against us, heavy and […]

Even in This Darkness

I’m writing this on the longest night of the year. The sun is as far away from us as it can be. The winter solstice. Shortest day of the year. The gravity of this is not lost on me. It cannot get any darker. I feel it more than I see it. Did you feel […]