
Let Justice Roll Down – Mar. 10, 2021

“God of Ahmaud Arbery,Let justice roll down and destroy that which believes it has a right to hunt Black bodies like animals. Let it drown out every voice that is heard too often, every voice that justifies and enables systems of torture and violence and murder. And when its waters still, may we have the […]

Transformation – Feb. 16, 2021

“As I sat quietly in the garden, I realized the power of transfiguration—of God’s transformation—in our world. The principle of transfiguration is at work when something so unlikely as the brown grass that covers our veld in winter becomes bright green again. Or when the tree with gnarled leafless branches bursts forth with the sap […]

Spiritual Significance – Dec. 3, 2020

“At the center of our faith, material reality is imbued with spiritual significance and power. Bread from the fields, and fruit of the vine, which human hands have made. Water in a baptismal incarnation, where eternal word is united with human flesh. Then we wonder, if some water can be holy, maybe all is. If […]

The Seven Streams – Nov. 13, 2019

Come down drenched, at the end of May, with the cold rain so far into your bones that nothing will warm you except your own walking and let the sun come out at the day’s end by Slievenaglasha with the rainbows doubling over Mulloch Mor and see your clothes steaming in the bright air. Be […]