
Being Bread

After a late dinner, we were walking back to our hotel when the breeze brought a whiff of freshly baked bread. I turned and stared through the darkness at an arched opening backlit by flames. A glistening shirtless man was lifting loaves out of the brick oven with a long paddle, balancing, turning, then sliding […]

Brother Sun, Sister Moon – May 19, 2021

Most High, all-powerful, all-good Lord, All praise is Yours, all glory, all honor and all blessings. To you alone, Most High, do they belong, and no mortal lips are worthy to pronounce Your Name. Praised be You my Lord with all Your creatures,especially Sir Brother Sun, who is the day through whom You give us […]

Clouds – May 6, 2021

All afternoon, sir, your ambassadors have been turninginto lakes and rivers.At first they were just clouds, like any other.Then they swelled and swirled; then they hung very stillthen they broke open. This is, I suppose,just one of the common miracles,a transformation, not a vision,not an answer, not a proof, but I put itthere, close against my […]

Look and See – May 5, 2021

This morning, at waterside, a sparrow flewto a water rock and landed, by error, on the backof an eider duck, lightly it fluttered off, amused.The duck, too, was not provoked, but, you might say, waslaughing.This afternoon a gull sailing overour house was casually scratchingits stomach of white feathers with onepink foot as it flew.Oh Lord, […]