Listen to Yourself – May 26, 2023

“Choose a piece of work to do by listening to yourself—the still, small voice within that speaks to you in images, wishes, dreams and fantasies, your own conversations and the conversations of others. If you make a mistake and choose the wrong task, you will still learn something about yourself and can take courage and […]

A Member of the Flock

I don’t like being called a sheep. As a city person, I don’t really know much about sheep, except that they are stupid, dirty, smelly creatures that stand around all day eating grass, willing to follow the crowd even if they are about to run off the cliff. I could be wrong, of course, but […]

A Soul’s Worth

The direction she gave was exactly as my mother taught, so I knew it to be a perennial truth, even though I was five years old. Our kindergarten teacher, Ms. Olive Garrett, took Richard by the hand, whispering in his ear, showing him how to share the wooden blocks he was hoarding. I was the student […]

Tone Matters

When I told a dear female friend of mine that I was writing a reflection on Luke 10:38,* she rolled her eyes. “You mean where he scolds Martha for doing housework?” she asked with a sigh. “C’mon, Jesus. Really?” I’d been turning the Luke passage over in my mind for a week now, looking up […]