Using Our Gifts – May 24, 2023

“Every person has the task of releasing angels by shaping and transfiguring the raw materials that lie about [them] so that they become houses and machinery and pictures and bridges. How we do this—how we “build the earth,” to use Teilhard de Chardin’s phrase—is determined by the discovery and use of our gifts.” —Elizabeth O’Connor, Eighth […]

A Member of the Flock

I don’t like being called a sheep. As a city person, I don’t really know much about sheep, except that they are stupid, dirty, smelly creatures that stand around all day eating grass, willing to follow the crowd even if they are about to run off the cliff. I could be wrong, of course, but […]

Nothing is Wasted – Mar. 7, 2023

Blessed are you, O God,in whom nothing is wasted.You salvage the remnant,the scrap, the shred.You bless what is leftfrom the consuming fire, the devouring flood,the shearing wind, the shifting earth.All that remainsreturns to youand is reborn from you. Blessed are you, O God,who brings life from the earthand will return it to the earthonce again. […]

The Presence of God Was There – Feb. 3, 2023

“And what I began discovering is that every time I allowed myself to feel at a loss in the face of the pain I witnessed, every time I touched my own irrelevance, there was this energy of God that would emerge in our midst. All I had to do was say yes to it. The […]