Hawksbill Turtle – Mar. 23, 2023

“Here thirty years ago she broke from an egg beneath a full moon. Dozens of other inch-long hatchlings clambered around her, over her, all of them together pushing out of their sandy womb and scrambling with her down the beach, looking for the moon’s liquid reflection to direct them to the sea. Slower ones were […]

Turtle’s Waiting – Nov. 28, 2022

“Sunk in its bottom-mud, for six months she will not draw air into her lungs. To survive a cold that would kill her, or slow her so that predators would kill her, she slows herself beyond breath in a place where breath is not possible… It’s this radical simplicity that will save her. And deep […]

Quiet Trust – Dec. 3, 2018

For the beginning of Advent, the daily reflections for this week come from Gayle Boss’ book, All Creation Waits: The Advent Mystery of New Beginnings (Paraclete Press, 2016). “…though she is dissolving, every stressed particle of her stays focused on the silver bead of utter quietude. It’s this radical simplicity that will save her. And […]